
Replaces a set of files with a new one while keeping all security attributes

Support of code 800.

Replace (Version: 100)
Replaces a set of files with a new one while keeping all security attributes

Allows the replacement of a set of files with a new one, while all security
attributes of the existing file(s) are kept in place.

Security attributes are all GUARDIAN as well as SAFEGUARD DISKFILE ACLs.

To replace a file, you need to be the

    * file owner
    * file owners manager

of the file be replaced.

To keep the LICNESE flag on a file, you need to be SUPER.SUPER.

e.g. the command:


replaces all files, matching $DSMSCM.*.SYSINFO with file $GHS1.SYSINFO.SYSINFON.To keep the LICNESE flag, the user has to be SUPER.SUPER!

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