
Binds and de-binds a library to/from an executable

Add file code 500 for x-type systems

BindLib now keeps the License flag of a program file.

Complete re-write: BindLib now accesses the program file header directly to add/delete a library.
In addition it does NOT change any time stamp. For this reason, it needs to become licensed.

Performance enhancement to attach libraries to code 100 type files.
This enhancement requires BindLib to be licensed.

Error handling enhanced.
File search now skips OSS files fast.

Error handling enhacned. 

nld is used to bind files with file code 700, and eld is used for file code 800 files. 

Open files now cause BINDLIB to display an error message.

10Jan2007, Version 200
BindLib now supports object files of code 100, 700, and 800.

Binds and de-binds a library to/from an executable

BINDLIB is FreeWare from GreenHouse Software & Consulting

BINDLIB binds libraries to program files. It mimics the

RUN program/LIB library/


To successfully bind or de-bind a library to or from a program file, you need to have
- Write and Execution Access on the program file
- Execution Access on the Library file
- the object, to which the lib has to be bound, MUST be closed

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